
Theme: Integrating marginalised groups into education

PI: Dr Rovincer Najjuma

Project 1: Evaluation and development of digital educational interventional models for integrating marginalised groups into tertiary education

This project is designed to address a matter of critical importance in our respective countries, that of incorporating marginalised groups into tertiary education. To begin, we will focus our efforts on select groups but through discussion we have identified the following groups

  1. Nomadic groups

  2. Indigent students

  3. Young mothers or full time housewives

  4. Internally displace persons or refugees

  5. Those with disabilities that precludes them from accessing tertiary education

Through a mixed methods approach, we will develop a critical understanding of each of these groups and the educational interventions that have been designed to address them, before adapting an existing initiative for use with our groups, or develop a bespoke educational initiative based on our research.

Research Questions:

  1. Who are these marginalized groups?

  2. What are their attitudes towards tertiary education?

  3. What kinds of technology are available to them and how are they using it?

  4. What is the educational landscape that is available to them?